Manufacturing is no-doubt facing a crisis of shortage of skilled, experienced workers. Jobs are out there, ready to be filled, but qualified employees aren’t applying.
Manufacturers can look at the issue as a problem that falls on the shoulders of high schools, trade schools, universities and the educational system in the US in general — or they can take a proactive stance and become the teachers of tomorrow’s skilled workforce.
One manufacturing company just north of Dallas, Texas is doing just that. UniTherm International is a manufacturer of finished industrial and commercial insulation products. During a time when most small businesses have pulled back, aimed to simply stay afloat, or worse have been forced to close their doors, UniTherm sees the current economic conditions as an opportunity to grow and leave its competitors behind.
One challenge this manufacturing company faces as demand continues to increase is finding experienced and skilled industrial sewing machinists. Like any other challenge UniTherm has faced during this period of aggressive growth, they have met it head on with a unique solution that benefits an entire community.
The month of July will kick off a series of free, hands-on industrial sewing classes. Anyone is welcome to join, and spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Throughout these free classes students will learn the basics of operating an industrial sewing machine and reading work orders and product drawings.
Some students will finish the classes with a job offer, but all will have the hands-on experience and skills many manufacturers are looking for, but struggling to find, in potential employees.
Interested in attending or learning more about the sessions? Contact UniTherm International at or 800.657.9542.