More Energy Rebates for More States
We recently wrote about energy rebates and incentive programs offered in Michigan to manufacturers who take action to save energy. Well, we have more good news. Duke Energy’s Smart $aver Incentive Program now offers businesses in Kentucky, Ohio, and North and South Carolina energy rebates for installing equipment such as high-efficiency lighting and HVAC pumps.
Energy rebates in Kentucky, Ohio, North and South Carolina
Duke Energy’s Super $aver program is designed to help businesses offset up-front costs, shorten payback periods, and improve their bottom line by reducing energy output. Companies can qualify for different Super $aver incentives based on their type of equipment—Duke Energy offers incentives for lighting, thermal storage, premium motors, process equipment, and many more.
In addition to providing a list of prescriptive incentives, Duke Energy also offers a Smart $aver Custom Incentive Program to its commercial and industrial energy customers.
Ask your account manager about how to enroll in a Smart $aver Program. And remember, UniTherm offers insulation jackets to keep your equipment insulated and efficient. Be sure to explore all avenues of energy efficiency.
Live in one of the other 46 states? is a great resource that lets you search for energy rebates and incentive programs in your area.
Check back soon for more energy incentive updates.
Updated: Michigan Energy Rebates and Incentive Programs
100% of available funds for the CI Prescriptive Electric Program have been paid or reserved. All new prescriptive electric applications will be placed on a waiting list.
Both Consumers Energy and DTE Energy in Michigan are currently offering incentives to plastics manufacturers who take action to control their energy consumption. Both of these electricity providers offer an array of prescriptive incentives that are very easy to take advantage of.
They also both offer custom programs for projects that are not already outlined in their custom program listings.
Take advantage now, because these programs each run on a budget and funds are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
Below is a short list of incentives all plastics processors in Michigan should consider:
New Energy Rebate Program for Ohio Manufacturers
Manufacturers and other non-resident Duke Energy customers in the state of Ohio who use more than 700,000 kWh per year are now eligible to receive rebates on energy projects that were completed on or after January 1, 2008.
The new program, Mercantile Self Direct, is a supplement to the existing Smart $aver Incentive Program and creates an opportunity for Ohio Duke Energy customers to apply for funds that could be used toward new energy efficiency projects that may not have otherwise happened. (not a Duke Energy customer? The Ohio Public Utilities Commission lists programs for other energy providers as well – or contact us and we’ll find out for you).
Prescriptive rebates are broken down by the following categories:
- Process Equipment (including barrel blankets and hose insulation)
- Lighting
- Heating & Cooling
- Window, Film, Thermostats
- Chillers & Thermal Storage
- Chiller Tune Ups
- Motors/Pumps
- Variable Frequency Drives
- Food Service Equipment
Custom programs are also available for projects that do not fall into these categories.
UniTherm Customers have been taking advantage of incentive programs in states across the US and are getting back anywhere from 30 – 110% on the purchase of UniTherm systems. Not located in Ohio? Contact us to see what rebates are available in your area.